Overview of Ardupilot Platform Capabilities for Developing Autonomous Aerial Vehicle Control Systems Resistant to Electronic Warfare

Oleksandr Taran

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0009-3744-9155

Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

The purpose of this work is to explore and elucidate the capabilities of the Ardupilot platform for developing robust control systems for autonomous aerial vehicles (AAVs) that are resilient to challenges posed by electronic warfare (EW). Utilizing a comprehensive analytical approach, this study examines the platform’s ability to integrate with various AAV types, its compatibility with numerous sensors, and its provision of advanced, customizable flight control algorithms. Additionally, the research delves into Ardupilot’s simulation capabilities, specifically through Software In The Loop (SITL) and Hardware In The Loop (HITL), to safely test and refine new algorithms and configurations within a controlled setting. Findings from this investigation demonstrate that Ardupilot is a highly effective tool for engineering adaptive and secure control systems. Its features support redundant control algorithms, facilitate multiple communication channels, and enable robust data encryption, thereby ensuring operational reliability and resilience against EW threats. The theoretical implications of this research underline the significance of leveraging sophisticated simulation tools and adaptive algorithms to bolster AAV resilience. The practical implications are significant, offering pathways to enhance the reliability and security of AAV systems across military, commercial, and research domains. The originality and value of this study reside in its detailed exploration of how Ardupilot can fortify AAV control systems against the complexities of modern EW. However, this research recognizes limitations, including the necessity for extensive real-world testing to corroborate simulation-based findings and the ever-evolving nature of EW tactics, which demand continuous algorithmic updates and adaptations. Future research should aim to develop more intricate adaptive algorithms and further refine simulation environments to advance the robustness of AAVs in challenging EW scenarios.