Cartographic component in e-commerce

Anna Selivanova


State University of Trade and Economics

Hanna Samoilenko


State University of Trade and Economics

In the modern business environment, where competition is constantly increasing, effective business process management becomes critically important for achieving success. To meet market demands and respond to changes quickly and efficiently, enterprises need advanced tools for analyzing, visualizing, and optimizing their business processes. The research materials explore the significance and benefits of using cartographic components in business process management systems. The main focus is on the use of interactive maps and graphs as powerful tools for analyzing, visualizing, and optimizing business processes. The advantages of data visualization on maps are discussed, including the ability to analyze various aspects of business using geographic data and understanding the structure and relationships between different elements. The use of graphs for modeling and optimizing business processes is also considered, particularly for identifying optimal routes. The importance of integrating interactive maps and graphs into business process management systems is emphasized, as well as the potential benefits of this integration for enterprises, such as increased efficiency, enhanced competitiveness, and improved customer satisfaction. The materials present examples of the application of interactive maps and graphs in various business sectors, including logistics, retail, real estate management, and agribusiness. It is shown how these tools can be used to identify effective delivery strategies, determine optimal placement of sales points, monitor assets and resources, and optimize production processes. This demonstrates the wide range of possibilities for integrating cartographic components into management systems, which can lead to a significant increase in enterprise efficiency and competitiveness.