Showing: 7 - 12 of 28 RESULTS
Ecology, industrial and environmental safetyAssessment of air pollutants when burning alternative fuels

Assessment of air pollutants when burning alternative fuels

Assessment of air pollutants when burning alternative fuels Olena Levytska ORCID: Oles Honchar Dnipro National University Artem Sikorsky ORCID: Oles Honchar Dnipro National University Purpose. The aim of the work is to identify potential agricultural waste that can become energy sources, which will significantly reduce the cost of the operation of small and medium-sized boilers and provide cost savings for small and medium-sized businesses. Design / Method / Approach. An analytical review of scientific articles, information from Internet …

Ecology, industrial and environmental safetyEnvironmental aspects of innovative technologies in the conditions of crisis phenomena in Ukraine

Environmental aspects of innovative technologies in the conditions of crisis phenomena in Ukraine

Environmental aspects of innovative technologies in the conditions of crisis phenomena in Ukraine Olena Zolotko ORCID: Oles Honchar Dnipro National University The ecological aspect of the legislative framework for the organization and implementation of innovative activities in Ukraine has been studied. Environmental innovations are a separate segment of the general innovation market. Interest in the implementation of environmental innovations demonstrates the concern of society about the state of environmental problems. The purpose of the work is to study the …

Ecology, industrial and environmental safetyStatistical assessment of the volume of accumulated waste

Statistical assessment of the volume of accumulated waste

Statistical assessment of the volume of accumulated waste Tetiana Rusakova ORCID: Oles Honchar Dnipro National University Problem statement. The task of assessing the volume of accumulated waste in the territory of the Dnipropetrovsk region, which is constantly increasing, occupying a larger area and causing damage to the environment, is under consideration. To solve this predictive problem, it is necessary to create a regression mathematical model for statistical evaluation and analysis of the influence of factor variables on the total …

Ecology, industrial and environmental safetyReduction of the risk of disease to the population through dusting of agglomeration gases

Reduction of the risk of disease to the population through dusting of agglomeration gases

Reduction of the risk of disease to the population through dusting of agglomeration gases Yuliia Voitenko ORCID: Oles Honchar Dnipro National University The analysis of methods and means of dedusting at sinter plants of our country showed an insufficient level of sinter gases purification. It is established that in order to achieve the required degree of gas purification, it is necessary to reduce the flow of dust into the air directly in the sources of dust formation. This will …

Ecology, industrial and environmental safetyInternational waste trade: environment or business

International waste trade: environment or business

International waste trade: environment or business Nataliia Krasnikova ORCID: Oles Honchar Dnipro National University Dmytro Kobyliak ORCID: Oles Honchar Dnipro National University The modern world generates a huge number of different wastes: household, construction, industrial, medical etc. More developed countries generate more waste as a result of economic activity. Such countries have an important need for waste disposal. Since developed countries have strict environmental legislation, waste disposal is expensive and stimulates the need for their removal from the …

Ecology, industrial and environmental safetyStudy of factors affecting the environment of the disturbed areas of the earth’s surface of existing tailings dumps

Study of factors affecting the environment of the disturbed areas of the earth’s surface of existing tailings dumps

Study of factors affecting the environment of the disturbed areas of the earth’s surface of existing tailings dumps Olena Minko ORCID: M.S. Poliakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Taking into account the geochemical and mineralogical features of “tailings”, as well as the duration and conditions of their storage (wet, covered with water – in the initial stages and dry, open to wind erosion – in the future), the tailings repository is constantly …